St. Benedict Traditional Roman Catholic Church
1139 Hwy 231, Laceys Spring, AL 35754
St. Philomena Traditional Roman Catholic Church
508 Monroe Nunley Rd., Hazel Green, AL 35750
Preserving the Catholic Faith of the Ages
At St. Benedict’s Traditional Roman Catholic Church, we observe only the traditional, pre-Vatican II, form of the mass and sacraments. We do this not out of disobedience, but because it is our obligation to preserve the deposit of faith as it was handed down to us. We welcome all visitors and encourage anyone who is curious about the Catholic faith or confused about the present crisis in the Church to speak with Father Trough, and visit our library and bookstore for many great resources!
“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema.” — Galatians 1:8
Announcements and Upcoming Events
1st Sunday: Blessing of Religious Articles/ 3rd Sunday, blessing of expectant mothers.
ASH WEDNESDAY: March 5th. 8 o’clock am Mass, St. Philomena’s; 6:30—7:30 pm Eucharistic Holy Hour w/ distribution of ashes.
CALENDARS: $10 per calendar.
Please pray for the sick of the parish: baby Matt Funston, Dakota Michael Hines, Maureen Mathewson, Zoey Knight, Dawn Bottass, and Baby Boy Balk. If you'd like to be added to this list, please let Fr. Trough know.
Confessions: 30 mins prior to Sunday Masses /daily Masses, upon request.
Holy Communion for the sick/housebound, please phone Fr. Trough.
Mass Intentions: suggested donation is $25. For specific dates, please submit 4 weeks in advance.
For emergencies, please phone Fr. Trough ASAP.
ALL praise and thanksgiving be to the ever-blessed Trinity, who hath shown unto us Mary, ever-Virgin, clothed with the sun, with the moon beneath her feet, and on her head a mystic crown of twelve stars. ℟. For ever and ever. Amen.
Let us praise and give thanks to God the FATHER, who elected her for his daughter. ℟. Amen. PATER noster.
Praise be to God the FATHER, who predestined her to be the Mother of his Son. ℟. Amen. Ave Maria.
Praise be to God the FATHER, who preserved her from all stain in her conception. ℟. Amen. Ave Maria.
Praise be to God the FATHER, who on her birthday adorned her with his choicest gifts. ℟. Amen. Ave Maria.
Praise be to God the FATHER, who gave her Joseph for her pure spouse and companion. ℟. Amen. Ave Maria and Gloria PATRI.
Let us praise and give thanks to God the Son, who chose her for his Mother. ℟. Amen. PATER noster. Praise be to God the Son, who became Incarnate in her womb, and abode there nine months. ℟. Amen. Ave Maria.
Praise be to God the Son, who was born of her and was nourished at her breast. ℟. Amen. Ave Maria.
Praise be to God the Son, who in his childhood willed that Mary should teach Him. ℟. Amen. Ave Maria.
Praise be to God the Son, who revealed to her the mysteries of the redemption of the world. ℟. Amen. Ave Maria and Gloria PATRI.
Let us praise and give thanks to God the Holy Ghost who made her his spouse. ℟. Amen. PATER noster.
Praise be to God the Holy Ghost, who revealed to her first his name of Holy Ghost. ℟. Amen. Ave Maria.
Praise be to God the Holy Ghost, through whose operation she became at once Virgin and Mother. ℟. Amen. Ave Maria. Praise be to God the Holy Ghost, through whom she became the living temple of the Most Holy Trinity. ℟. Amen. Ave Maria. Praise be to God the Holy Ghost, by whom she was exalted in Heaven high above all creatures. ℟. Amen. Ave Maria and Gloria PATRI. For the Holy Catholic Church, for the propagation of the faith, for peace among Christian princes, and for the uprooting of heresies, let us say Salve Regina, etc.