“Certain fashions will be introduced that will offend Our Lord very much.”

— Our Lady of Fatima, 1917

Out of respect for the True Presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, and for the edification of our neighbor, we kindly request that all who come to our parish observe the basic traditional Catholic standards of dress for church attendance:

  • Women and girls must cover their heads. (Chapel veils or mantillas are available for loan in the vestibule.)

  • Women and girls must wear dresses or skirts that cover the knee completely when standing or sitting. Slacks, shorts, sleeveless, tight or low-cut clothing, and dresses or skirts with long slits above the knees are not permitted.

  • It is recommended for men and boys to wear suit coats and ties for Sunday Mass. Jeans and other casual attire are inappropriate for attendance at church.

Bishop Mark Pivarunas’ Pastoral Letter on Modesty, which contains directives from the Church’s Magisterium, is available online here.